… a wonderful glimpse at every type of love that exists…

Te face sa iubesti mai mult… te face sa vrei sa iubesti…
Isi merita titlul, actorii si site-ul oficial.

… si vocea de sfatuitor atotstiutor a lui Morgan Freeman…

“There is a story about the Greek Gods; they were bored so they invented human beings, but they were still bored so they invented love. Then they weren’t bored any longer, so they decided to try love for themselves. And finally, they invented laughter, so they could stand it.”

2 comments on “… a wonderful glimpse at every type of love that exists…

  1. Oana Anca says:

    In week-end-ul asta inceput prematur am vazut si eu filmul. Si mi-a placut, pentru ca arata fetele atat de diferite si totusi atat de reale ale dragostei.
    Eu am avut Morgan Freeman day vineri :). Daca nu l-ai vazut, iti recomand The Bucket List.

  2. Liz says:

    L-am vazut… chiar ma gandeam, stii tu, la lista celor 200 din perspectiva asta… pe lista aia sunt multe pe care nu le-as face nici daca as avea ocazia…

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