Iarta-ma, "porc" am fost eu…

“The difference between ‘involvement’ and ‘commitment’ is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was ‘involved’ – the pig was ‘committed’.”

…unknown… no comment…

This entry was posted in Coffee.

3 comments on “Iarta-ma, "porc" am fost eu…

  1. K.G.Pirel says:

    mereu bate un vant rece, pe aici, totul e mut si surd, fara muzica, putina lumina, pe la colturi se odihnesc paienjeni atarnati de pereti, totul e incuiat, nimeni nu e acasa, cateodata, prin aduceri aminte, cineva mai vine si mai da cu degetul peste praful strans gramada de atata timp. unde e? cine e? cum e?

  2. Liz says:

    … aici, mai mereu eu, ca-ntotdeauna…

  3. K.G.Pirel says:

    la fel de tarziu. la fel de simplu. la fel de singur. la fel de rar.

    printre lacrimi si suspine,
    printre dor si amintire,
    printre stele, mov si goale.

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