If you still care, don’t ever let me know…

Bury all your secrets in my skin,come away with innocence and leave me with my sins!
The air around me still feels like a cage,and love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again…So if you love me let me go and run away before I know! My heart is just too dark to care…I cant destroy what isn’t there…
Deliver me into my fate; if I’m alone I cannot hate!I don’t deserve to have you!!!
My smile was taken long ago, if I can change I hope I never know…
I still press your letters to my lips and cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss, I couldn’t face a life without your light but all of that was ripped apart when you refused to fight so save your breath I will not hear, I think I made it very clear: you couldn’t hate enough to love! Is that supposed to be enough?
I only wish you weren’t my friend then I could hurt you in the end!!!!! I never claimed to be a saint…my own was banished long ago, it took the death of hope to let you go! So break yourself against my stones and spit your pity in my soul! You never needed any help, you sold me out to save yourself and I wont listen to your shame, you ran away you’re all the same!
My love was punished long ago…

Numai Slipknot putea sa spuna perfect… de la bun inceput…
O poveste cu trei catarame ce pot iubi un om, un copac privilegiat si un stalp cu patru becuri renegate, cu nori ce scriu cuvinte ciudate pe cer si imposibilitatea paradoxala de a minti intr-o discutie pe mess.
O durea fiecare centimetru de piele, fiecare clipire si fiecare aer tras in piept. Isi promitea in gand ca noaptea asta o va transforma… un pisic mic, pufos si cu nasul turtit lingea bland o lacrima sarata pe-un obraz… o perna ce promitea sa uite ce vede si aude-n noaptea asta.
De cealalta parte eu consider povestea prea dramatica. Ma inconjor de poze vechi de familie, alint motanul ce toarce langa umarul meu, zambesc trist cu gandul la o faza din Family Guy (Do you feel me, Brian? Do you feel me inside of you?)
In ochii mari ai unei fete superbe, in seara asta am vazut dorul nerecunoscut de mine… Nebunie de om indragostit de luna, habar nu ai cata nevoie aveam de o privire de la tine zilele astea! Aprobatoare sau dez!
Ma duc sa practic supravietuirea!

6 comments on “If you still care, don’t ever let me know…

  1. Liz says:

    Draga anonimule cu al tau comentariu sters, sa stii de la mine ca e frustranta faza lasata in urma… Phuuu…
    Mai incearca o data!

  2. sofie says:

    ‘In ochii mari ai unei fete superbe, in seara asta am vazut dorul nerecunoscut de mine…’ simt ca nu pot sa mai astept…trebuie sa stiu…

  3. Liz says:

    Ah … vorbeam de Cip…mi-e groaznic de dor de Cip si mi-am dat seama uitandu-ma in ochii iubitei lui!

  4. innuenda says:

    Habar n-am despre ce vorbeşti, Liz, dar ai o lume a ta fascinantă pe care o întrezăresc de câte ori ridici câte-un colţişor din sufletul care o acoperă.:)

  5. Liz says:

    Ah, Innu! Cateodata habar nu am nici eu despre ce vorbesc… doar pentru ca vorbesc despre ce simt… Eh! Cateodata reusesc sa dau frazelor iz general si-aprobat cateodata is doar vaga… prea! (Intentionat? Se prea poate! Hmm!)

  6. innuenda says:

    Poate că ăsta e secretul. Să vorbeşti din inimă.:)

    Îţi fac şi eu o urare din inimă. Să te bucuri de credinţă, speranţă şi iubire. Paşte fericit, Liz!

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