The true story of my fictive girlfriend

There’s the scent of a hitchiker love in the room,
you might try to guess it but it’s part of tune,
the disappointment thought does not apeal to you,
the way you crawl undress could make him think it’s true
and they’ve set up their traps, I gave you one good hint,
but you just love the taste of smoke and peppermint
I’m thinking more and more I should’ve told you less,
soon you will want his hand but underneath your dress
I’m no fortuneteller, I can’t see the past
I just want a word and you are leaving fast,
thought the scent of a stranger won’t attract you yet
but you saw yourself already in his bed
the beat of the greyscale shots of the faces
is pulling your heart out through ten different places,
too much wasted beer and your look became pale
to his sharp glassy eyes and he just wants to nail
one more chick that’s willing to take her clothes off,
make her scream, tear her down, thought you’d be on top,
it’s the lie in the lights that is blinding us,
promise made, promise kept and you’re totally lost

Plecaciuni Cosmin pentru voce si musical mood. The Benchmen recomand.

3 comments on “The true story of my fictive girlfriend

  1. Erato Seanna says:

    foarte faina melodia..
    se poate si o mica rugaminte? daca autorul e de acord sa impartasasca si acordurile celor fascinati…

  2. Goldfaber says:

    pai… re minor- re minor cu fa pe coarda re-do major- do major cu re pe coarda si.

  3. Erato Seanna says:

    multumesc frumos ^_^

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