…take a sentence full of things you’re not supposed to say and feel it…

Freedom’s just a word today! When someone takes your word away it’s seldom ever heard so take a sentence full of things you’re not supposed to say and carry on, but don’t write it down or you’ll be gone!
Love is just a song today! When someone takes the song away you seldom sing along, so take those lyrics serious and sing your life away and carry on, but don’t write ’em down or they’ll be gone!
All we ever do is talk, we like to ride but we never walk, we make it so damn easy and we get bored…
Why can’t anybody see what’s good for you is good for me?!
I can’t take your sillyworld no more
Peace is just two fingers now, peace was just a phase! When someone put it on a shirt, you knew to count the days. So take those fingers tape ’em up and shove ’em up your ass and carry on but don’t try it now cause peace is gone!
Why can’t anybody see what’s good for you is bad for me
I can’t take your sillyworld no more!
We fight our instincts/We go to extremes/We fought a lot…

stone sour-sillyworld
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O zi ciudata si epuizanta. Faze superficiale, banale si care fura energie. M-am impiedicat, mi-am agatat fusta si eram sa raman fara ea, aproape am varsat o cana de apa in bratele unui client important, m-am certat absurd, am pierdut seara fiind rea intr-un bar mai intunecat decat de obicei si-am adormit la filmul pe care mi-l doream sa-l vad.
Azi mi-am promis razbunarea. Azi voi trai de doua ori mai intens.

2 comments on “…take a sentence full of things you’re not supposed to say and feel it…

  1. 5zambete says:

    si eu am zile in care sunt impiedicata, scap lucruri, spun prostii sau fac gafe :"> toti avem. >:D<

  2. Liz says:

    … parca asa grea zi, degeaba, nu a avut niciodata… phuu…

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